Do you ever feel like you are playing a game of whack-a-mole with your images when you go through a hotel renovation? The Hotel Renovation Scenario Your hotel just went through a beautiful renovation. You hired the best brand-approved hotel photographer in the...
My Unsolicited (Rave) PicMonkey Review I found out about PicMonkey at the Seattle Digital Summit. You visit so many exhibit booths it is hard to keep track. This one stuck. They offered me 3 free months. So sure, let’s give it a go. First, let me say I am PhotoShop...
The “Old” Sales Funnel In every sales and marketing class, since the beginning of time, they show you a diagram of a sales funnel. It was shaped something like a cone or upside down pyramid, like this: Over time, the model was twisted for digital...
There is a lot of debate about not being overly dependent on your OTA (Online Travel Agency) partners and what it does to your profitability. But no one can deny the exposure they provide nor can any brand compete with their marketing budgets. It’s a necessary evil,...
A new hotel opening or changing of flags has so many moving parts. As an owner or manager overseeing this transition, you are likely wearing multiple hats. Here is a hotel pre-opening marketing plan and checklist from a digital standpoint to ensure you are building...
Hotel photography rules and standards have changed quickly. Previously, any photographer could shoot your hotel. Resolution requirements, brand standards for photography, and images rejected by websites did not exist. Read these 7 tips to ensure your company has...