What is Hotel MetaSearch?

What is Hotel MetaSearch?

Hotel MetaSearch websites allow consumers to search for hotels then compare prices across many websites at the same time.  If the hotel in question is in parity across all channels, the transaction likely goes to the top placed website.  If the hotel is not...
MozCon 2020 Recap

MozCon 2020 Recap

MozCon 2020 was like something we have never seen before; it was 100% virtual. Cogwheel Marketing uses Moz’s tools daily to research search volume, keywords, link discovery, track ranking performance and more.  We make a point to attend MozCon yearly and always...
6 Free Google Tools

6 Free Google Tools

Google wants to suck you into their world, so you are dependent on them. And, hopefully spend more money in their world. Here are some free tools you can use to help make data driven decisions and understand trends for your market and specific location. Google Trends...
Lodging Stream: Marketing for Future Guests

Lodging Stream: Marketing for Future Guests

Long Live Lodging accomplished a first: a completely virtual hospitality conference on April 30th. There was a plethora of topics covered to discuss recovery and projections post-Coronavirus. Skip to the bottom for the full replay, or scroll through the highlights of...